The Smith’s are probably the most talented family in showbiz. Daddy Will is one of the most bankable (and likable) box office stars in the world, Mamma Jada is a stylish actress and death metal singer (say wha!?) and kids Trey, Jayden and Willow have accomplished more before the age of twelve than entire generations of our family ever have or will.
So we’ve established that they kick major industry tush. But these pics from their family outing in the Bahamas make us wish we could be honorary Smiths for a day. The sun, the sand, the smiles, the sexy physique (talkin’ about Jada), the surfboard that isn’t floating away because we’ve wiped out and almost drowned; call us cynics, but this all just seems too good to be true! Clearly, these parents just DO understand. What is your secret, Smith Family? Show us the way!
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