Feb 6, 2011

Action against 70 schools: HSEB

BHAKTAPUR, : The Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) has started taking action against 70 higher secondary schools being operated not in consistent with the rules of HSEB.

Action against the higher secondary schools which have been run in different areas than they were stated while acquiring affiliation for the operation has been initiated, said HSEB Member-Secretary Bhim Prasad Gurung.
The schools that have opened their branches against the rule and appointed unqualified teachers are also under the ambit of action, he added.

After getting information that higher secondary schools are operated in different areas than stipulated in the affiliation paper, the HSEB started monitoring and taking action against the higher secondary schools operating against rule, Gurung asserted.

The HSEB will prevent such higher secondary schools from enrolling students from coming educational year and will go to the extent of withdrawing the affiliation of the schools defying the directives of HSEB, Gurung further said.


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