If this news surprises you at all, we have one million bridges we’d like to sell you. Allegedly Mel Gibson will face criminal charges for domestic abuse, unless his lawyer can successfully intervene on his behalf. According to RadarOnline, prosecutors met with Gibson’s attorney
Blair Berk yesterday in a last-ditch attempt to head of charges of domestic violence/corporal injury, which could be prosecuted as a felony or misdemeanor. Sources close to the case, however, say the wheels are already in motion. “The District Attorney has a very strong case, there is a lot of information that the public and Mel Gibson are unaware that the DA has,” an insider revealed, making the only thing shocking thing about this news is why it didn’t happen months ago.
As of this afternoon, District Attorney
Steve Cooley says the case is “actively in review,” but has not decided whether charges will be brought. In case you can’t remember which parts of the eternal ballad of Mel were illegal rather than just morally repugnant, the charges would stem from Gibson’s admission that he slapped ex Oksana Grigorieva, which she remembers as a much more brutal attack. Guess all those threatening phone calls were just a freebie! The news comes just days after officials at the SXSW Film Festival announced
The Beaver will premiere there in March. Looks like Mel will get out just in time to shoot the sequel. Or if we luck out, never.
[Photo: WENN]
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