Good news, little (European) monsters. Lady Gaga sent out some very apologetic tweets day before yesterday because her Parisian shows were canned due to the French government banning her tour bus caravan from entering the country. She explained the situation over Twitter, “All 28 of my trucks for the Monsterball were detained by the French government going on over 26 hrs, 2 of my employees were arrested trying to get into Paris so we could perform. I am furious and devastated, its unfair to my fans and to me.” Adding to what was turning out to be a vairy mauvais soujourn was the seriously bad weather seen in the photo Gaga tweeted along with the message, “I love Paris + I love my French fans. I’m sorry little monsters. A photo of storm, I’m stuck on bus.”
Problem solved now. All is well with the Monsterball, as Gaga exulted over Twitter, writing, “Today’s canceled Paris show is rescheduled for Tuesday, 2moro’s show will happen as planned. I promise to give u the nights of ure life. X” Perhaps that’s why she celebrated by leaving her hotel, the Park Hyatt, for Chez Andre looking like a depraved Victorian countess who just had a rendezvous with a debauched Duke who ripped her bodice open in a moment of passion. She seems to inspire that behavior, considering a female fan groped her breast in the resulting frenzy.
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