Nov 8, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Has a Busy Weekend, Reunites With Her Dad

What a curveball this turned out to be. This weekend, low-key re-habbed Lindsay Lohan went to the movies. Unfortunately, Lindsay at the movies isn’t going to go unnoticed, and had to leave when the crowds spotted her. What a non-story, right? Well, what happened the next day made up for it.
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Lindsay met her father, Michael Lohan, the very next day. And no, he didn’t break into Betty Ford, where Lindsay’s recuperating. This wasn’t forced at all because the two apparently spent hours together! Excuse us while we say, WTF? Lindsay’s been blaming her Dad for all her problems for years now. Michael on the other hand, has been chasing her down, siccing the media on Lindsay and her mom Dina Lohan. Lindsay even once said, “I think my biggest focus for myself is learning how to continue to get through the trauma that my father has caused in my life.”

This didn’t seem like a love-hate relationship; just hate. And now it’s reunion time? Color us surprised. Sources told Radar Online, “It was an emotional reunion… there were hugs, kisses and even a few tears when Michael and Lindsay first saw each other.” They added, “Lindsay met Michael at Betty Ford and the pair spent hours together… it was not a fleeting encounter, this appeared well-planned in advance. They also went shopping at a local Palm Desert mall, where they were seen walking around together and at one point, were in a jewelry store.”
What’s even more shocking is that Michael Lohan didn’t blab about the occasion considering he always shoots his mouth off. His only response about the meeting was, “I have pledged not to comment about anything relating to my daughter. However, what I will say is that I am an incredibly proud father tonight. My daughter is progressing extraordinarily well.” That sounded… normal. Pigs have officially grown wings.
But here’s the deal? The Lohan family has always been in the news for the wrong reasons. Lindsay clearly is in trouble, and is whether she likes it or not, getting help. And Michael Lohan has always been…Michael. But maybe, just maybe, a blue moon’s peeking out from somewhere, and Lindsay finally got tired of blaming everyone else. And Michael has finally started giving his daughter what she really needs… a dad. Hey…we’re feeling charitable today! Just go with it!


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