Nov 8, 2010

Eddie Cibrian And LeAnn Rimes Are Not Engaged, It Was Just a Rumor

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LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian aren’t engaged and are hopping mad with E! for saying so. Those two have been popping up in the news all week, and we last reported on the LeAnn-Eddie engagement too. We also reported about the Shape magazine-party controversy, which FYI, eventually, LeAnn didn’t turn up for! And she even tweeted the invite; what a shame.
As always, there are two sides of the story. E! is standing by theirs. A source reckons that LeAnn and Eddie went ballistic because E! stymied them out of an exclusive. You know, pimping out the pictures and the wedding which would have translated into a mega payload for the couple.

LeAnn, on the other hand, wants the world to know just how mad she is because there’s apparently, no ring in question. She went on a long Twitter vent and didn’t mince her words at all with , “Ok, I’ve about had it with the lack of “reporting” with E News. The fact that our “engagement” has spread so furiously over the past 24 hours off of an E News article that is 150% untrue just shows you the lack of credible “sources” they seem to find and build a story around…”
Stop. Pause for breath (us, not her, clearly). There’s a whole lot more, but we’ll leave it to you to read. She ended with a flourish saying, “… Eddie and I felt we couldn’t let this rumor go on any longer.”
And there’s bad news all around for LeAnn, because this all coincided with the Shape party. The story is that she was sick and couldn’t attend and has been tweeting illness-alerts regularly. One tweet also tried to tone down the Shape magazine beef with, “Headed to the dr in a bit. This flu thing is hard to shake. Just to clarify, I was never supposed to sing at the Shape party and yes, under dr’s orders I couldn’t go. I spoke to Valerie yesterday I don’t know how many times and all is well w/ absolutely NO controversy. There is LOVE all around from Shape to me and Me to Shape.” Seriously, all that pent-up hell-hath-no-fury made our hair frizz, so tweet all you want.
Zen, LeAnn. All that anger’s messing up your juju!


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