Everything is a remake these days…*sigh* It appears that the flogged to death horse that is the Kanye West and Taylor Swift VMA Spat is getting new life in a porn. Naturally. Because the sexual tension just oozed out of the moment, are we right?
Vivid Entertainment founder Steve Hirsch told Celebuzz: “We’re always analyzing news stories for their movie potential. The Kanye/Taylor feud has high visibility, is filled with passion and is something we believe that fans of adult films would enjoy. We’re reviewing script concepts and definitely want to include that famous moment at the VMA awards. We plan to go into production in the next two months.”
Now we’ve looked at this from every possible angle, and we fail to see how interrupting an awards show acceptance speech could possibly lead to a sexual encounter of any kind. Unless it’s with the Beyonce character, who is wooed by faux-Kanye’s boldness. (Are we right? Write this down, Vivid people!) According to Hirsche, they’re still working on that part. Yo Hirsche, we’re gonna let you finish, but that Sarah Palin porn parody was the best porn parody of all time! (Note to any readers who happen to be our boss: we’re never seen said porn, and would certainly never admit to such things in print.)
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