Nov 8, 2010

Is Prince William En Route To Getting Hitched?

If reports are true, then it means that one very eligible prince is off the market. Apparently, England collectively believes that Prince William and Kate Middleton are this close to making it official, so much so that bookies are betting on it. Anytime between December and February is what’s being bandied about.
Considering they’ve been together on and off since the Prince was in college, it’s about bloody time! Post attending William’s friend, Harry Meade’s wedding together, one of Kate’s pals said, “Kate knows she she’s going to need conservative yet attractive outfits once they are engaged and she’s started collecting a very enviable wardrobe.” That comes from the fact that Kate’s going the custom outfit route (pictured above) with designer Daniella Issa Helayel, who conveniently, just started designing wedding gowns too. How badass would it be if popped the question by turning up at Kate’s house in a helicopter (again).
Right. We’re just going to go ahead and say it… as long as Prince Harry’s still single, we’re going to be just fine. No offense to William, but have you seen how hot the ginge-brotha has got lately? A girl can dream, ok?


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