The Morning After was the original magazine theme in the WordPress community and after more than a 100 000 downloads, it now has a place in our themes collection. It may be “old”, but this amazing theme is not yet dated! A definite download and one that you will thoroughly enjoy!
Featured Areas
Two different featured / latest post areas on the homepage, which gives you - the editor - some much-needed flexibility.
A widgetized home page
The TMA home page is completely widget based with loads of great custom widgets for placement.
Custom Post Type Updates
Using the latest WP 3.0 technology to publish Updates via their own Custom Post Type.
Custom Widgets
Custom Woo Widgets for use in the sidebar and in the widgetized footer: Flickr, Ads, Twitter, Author Bio etc.
WooThemes Exclusive Features
Custom Shortcodes
NEW! All our themes include Custom Shortcodes that allow you to easily add buttons, boxes, social buttons, columns and more to your posts, pages and widgets.
Custom Navigation
Our Woo Custom Navigation has officially become part of the WordPress core. WP Menus allows you to customize the themes navigation to include pages, categories and custom links.
Built-in SEO options
All our themes now include SEO options to help propel your site's search engine ranking.
Last but not least, the highly functional WooFramework with updated options panel. The most easy to use theme backend available!
best theme for blogger