Match has already been Started!!! wow Halchowk stadium is again running international football match!!
20' Match is going on Afghanistan 0 and North Korea 0. Can Afghanistan Create magic here
25' Both team are in good tempo. Afghanistan are doing good
30' Still goalless Afghanistan are defensive
43' Of North Korea scores goal. Badluck to Afghanistan!!! GOAL GOAL GOAL!!!!!
45' Half Time Afghanistan are goal behind!!!
Second Half in on the way !!!!
55' Oh North Korea Misses penalty!! don't seems like they are world cup Qualifier!!!
70' Still North korea1- 0 Afghanistan!!!!! Be with me i will update
78' North korea score against Afghanistan!!! North Korea 2-0 Afghanistan. badluck Afghanistan though you are showing fighting Sprit!!!
Final whistle North Korea And Nepal are in second round from group D of AFC challenge cup!!!
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Who scores ??????????????????????