Sep 26, 2010

Kanye West Sued For Stealing “Stronger”

Rapper Kanye West now has more to worry about than just being sued by Suge Knight:the rapper now faces a suit that alleges he stole the lyrics from his 2007 hit single, “Stronger.” According to, Virginia rapper Vincent “Vince P.” Peters claims that he sent a copy of his version of “Stronger” to John Monopoly, West’s manager, in hopes that Monopoly would be an executive producer on his project.
Seven months later, West released his single, “Stronger,” on his album Graduation. Meanwhile, Peters’ record deal fell through.
The suit alleges that West’s verison “copies significant and important parts of Peters’ lyrics identically or almost identically.”
Both versions use the phrases, “that which does not kill me makes me stronger,” “can’t wait much longer,” the corrupted word “wronger,” and reference to Kate Moss.
Defendants named in the suit are Roc-a-fella Records, a New York record label and UMG Recordings. The suit clames one count of copyright infringement, and asks that West and the record labels be prohibited from selling, distributing or performing the allegedly copyrighted song, and that they destroy all copies they have of the single. The suit also seeks an unspecified amount in damages


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