6 things that makes your readers visit your blog again and again
Readers are your biggest god.In your life if god stops caring about you you will have a worst life likewise if your readers too stops caring you or stops visiting your blog your blog will experience a bad situation leading the lose of backlinks,Google ranking and other various aspects.So in this post we are taking about the different things that helps you make your readers visit your blog again and again.
1. Fresh Updates
Who in his world like to eat rotten and outdated foods likewise there are no such person in this world who like to read your old posts again and again.So you must be able to understand the mind of your readers and should post fresh posts in your blog in the regular gap of time.
2. Systematic posting
There are many events or events occurring in this world everyday so you will get more topics to post on your blog.Posting doesn’t mean just writing in your blog.Writing ten posts in a day and no more posts for a months that is the bad thing.You can post them in the systematic gap of time.You can use the feature provided by wordpress or blogger that helps you publish your written post at the time you want to post them.
3. Stable blogdesign
Changing your blog theme twice or thrice a day directly hampers your blog.This will make bad impressions on your readers.So you mustn’t update your theme or template in short gap of time.It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t change your theme but update them in long gap of time but you can add new features to your theme anytime.
4. Don't make it go personal
Nobody likes to read your personal things in your blog like when you get up,with whom you had dinner,which movie did you watch today.Readers always search for those things which are essential things not your personal things.So never try to be a superhero with the help of your blog.
5. Listen to your readers
As I told above readers are your greatest gods.You must listen to them and drive your blog to that way which your readers like.To know what your readers like you can conduct a survey or poll in your blog.Later you know your readers interest you can create more posts according to their will which make s them visit your blog again and again.
6. Cooperate with your readers
This is the greatest ability that a blogger must have to turn himself into a successful blogger.You must reply the comments,email and other quests that your readers kept in your blog in a good way.This will make good impression on your readers which encourages your readers to visit your blog more and more.
Sep 20, 2010
6 things that makes your readers visit your blog more and more
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