Feb 17, 2011

Gabriel Drops Custody Case Against Halle, Halle Can Travel With Nahla

Wow, we did not see this coming. According to RadarOnline, Gabriel Aubry is dropping his custody case against Halle Berry. Not only that, but he is withdrawing his request for spousal support as well. And without a single public screaming match or radio show meltdown! We’re stunned. “I think both sides realized how out of hand things had gotten recently,” an insider source claims. “They both love their daughter and want to make sure her well fare comes first.” We personally thought this feud would go on until the day their daughter Nahla turned 18, and even then she’d have to hear them complain about each other at Thanksgiving for the next fifty years.
The couple’s public feud over Nahla had been getting pretty heated, with allegations that Aubry objected to Nahla being called “black”, and Halle discussing her daughter’s race with Essence. “Gabriel and Halle have spoken to each other and have committed to try and make things work, without the courts,” the source continued. “Gabe’s decision to drop his case is his way of showing Halle he’s prepared to take a leap of faith and trust her once again.” According to TMZ, however, in the meantime Berry has won permission to take travel with Nahla, a hurdle that was keeping her from appearing in the new film New Year’s Eve. “We are pleased the judge took the time to deal with this very imminent and important issue. The judge read a great deal of paperwork and gave us time to argue,” said Berry’s lawyer Neal Hersh. “Halle is very pleased with the judge’s order.” We seriously hope this unsightly feud is almost over. If not, someone needs to watch these two in case they start exploring some King Solomon-type solutions to this mess.
[Photo: Getty Images]


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