Mar 27, 2011

Two dozen injured in Butwal explosion

Kathmandu, 27 March: Twenty persons were injured, three seriously, when a
bomb planted in a minibus rear exploded at Milan Park in Butwal at 6.10 in the evening Sunday.
The bus was ferrying passengers from Bhairahawa.
This is the third comb blast in a moving bus in the terai in three days.
Six persons were injured in a bomb blast on a moving passenger bus at on the
Nepalgunj-Kohalpur highway Saturday.
Responsibility was taken by a terai group.
Ten persons were injured Friday in the fist blast in a moving bus at
Terai Tigers headed by Nagarajan took responsibility.
The explosions have coincided with meetings of three Madeshbadi parliamentary parties and three representatives of three terai rebel groups in New Delhi last week on
how to move ahead in the south borderin India if a constitution is not promulgated by 28
Governemnt of India invited the three parliamentary parties for political
Discussions in the Indian capital.


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