Steve Carell is a pretty underrated actor, and we can’t blame the guy for wanting to take on a dramatic role. But Carell attaching himself to Dogs Of Babel, an upcoming adaptation of Carolyn Parkhurt‘s 2003 novel, is 57 flavors of wrong sauce. The plot: a professor comes home to find his wife dead after falling from their apple tree. Unwilling to accept that her fate was an accident, he tries to teach the only witness—their dog Lorelei—to talk. We won’t say if he pulls it off because, you know, spoilers.
The book was a cult hit, and it’d be nice to see Carell take a more serious role again a la Little Miss Sunshine, but this seems like a heavier load than he should be lifting. If you’re best known for playing self-deluding sadsacks in both TV and movie comedies, you might not want to play one in a drama about mourning. That said, if Carell can get us to watch him attempt to converse with a dog for two hours and n0t have us laughing our ass off, it’ll be even more impressive than if he had played The Joker in The Dark Knight like he wanted to. Good luck, Steve! You’re gonna need it.
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