Dec 9, 2010

Tommy Lee Claims Sea World Bad-Touches The Whales

tomy lee 261010Ever since we saw The Cove, we’ve been pretty down on places like Sea World for the way they treat sea animals in captivity. Turns out Tommy Lee is pretty upset with Sea World too, but for way different reasons that are fascinating and slightly NSFWW (that’s “Not Safe For Whale Work”).
If you’ll recall, an Orca named Tilikum killed a trainer and two other people at Sea World in Orlando, and though the whale is no longer used for entertainment at the park, he is kept in captivity to inseminate other whales. Lee, in conjunction with PETA, fired off a letter to the President of Sea World, writing “We understand that you refuse to release this frustrated whale because he is your chief sperm bank and we know … that the way you get his sperm is by having someone get into the pool and masturbate him with a cow’s vagina filled with hot water. Even during my wildest days with Mötley Crüe, I never could’ve imagined something so sick and twisted.”
We can think of one sick and twisted thing Mötley Crüe would do involving groupies and egg burritos, but that’s not the point.  Sea World denies the claims, saying “Mr. Lee would be wise to spend more time checking his facts.” They also deny that cow vagina is used, so we’re really sorry to whoever it is on the Sea World PR team that was tasked with this story today. “Hard day at work today honey?” “The worst! Stupid Tommy Lee is giving away all our cow-vagina-as-whale-masturbation-aid secrets, so that was a fire that needed putting out. Pass the potatoes.” Check out Lee’s entire graphic, impassioned letter after the jump. Also, please share this story on Twitter by using the hashtag #whalefail, because it would be a tragedy if someone didn’t.


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