Nov 7, 2010

Emma Watson’s Getting The Hang Of This College Thing

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As you can see, Emma Watson already knew how to drink cheap beer out of a Solo cup before she enrolled at Brown University, but it sounds like she’s getting more comfortable every day with her role as college student. Take, for example, her newfound love for that college dietary staple, the bagel. Watson had never been exposed to such a delicious treat before moving across the pond but now, she is smitten. The actress told Parade magazine  “Bagels – they’re the best thing ever! Americans just love variety; there’s so much choice, it’s overwhelming. But I love trying the blueberry and raisin and cinnamon bagels. Luckily, I exercise a lot.” She sounds exactly like us ten years ago, minus the exercise bit.
As someone who existed solely on bagels for about three years, we’d like Emma to know that they aren’t just a delicious breakfast treat. For instance, our proudest college invention was the cheesy bagel, a toasted bagel covered in salad bar shredded cheese and then microwaved. But also, don’t underestimate the peanut butter and jelly on a bagel or the dieter’s delight bagel with hummus and ranch dressing. (TheFABLife is not known for it’s healthy dietary choices, guys. See also: rage fudge, Ramen Noodles.) Emma, you’ve acclimated so well. We’re proud of you, kid.


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